Tuesday, November 17, 2009

scales and shots...

today was annabel's follow up appointment with the pediatrician. i would call it a good appointment. last thursday she weighed 8 lb 13 oz. last friday she weighed 9 lb 2oz. today she weighed 9 lb 12 oz! something that we're doing is working i guess. this is very good news because it shows that there is are no major medical issues that caused her to lose the weight. she just needs more food. if this hadn't worked then our next step would have been slathering her pacifier with cupcake icing a couple times a day... :)

after giving us a good weight report dr. g told us she didn't want to see us or annabel until her four month checkup. i said, "good, i don't want to see you either." we agreed that if we saw each other in the grocery store that was okay though. :) we concluded our appointment in a much less pleasant fashion though. shots! oy. annabel was set to get her first round of immunizations last week but with the weight issues we all decided it would be best to wait. so today was the big day. we started with the oral vaccine and she handled that very well. then came the big boys. she got three shots in her legs. cheryl was holding her hand and afterward she told me that when the nurse stuck her the very first time it didn't seem like annabel was going to mind it. yeah, that lasted for oh...half a second. then she minded very much. it was pretty crummy to hear her screaming but after her shots it took about three minutes of cuddling with mama to calm her down. she was a champ. the nurse said that in her experience babies act three different ways the day after a shot. some are grumpy, cranky or generally quite unpleasant. some sleep for hours and hours. and some you would never know anything ever happened. annabel fit in the third category. she has been fine all day. we're crossing our fingers and praying that this continues and that she doesn't have any adverse reactions because some babies will come down with a fever. we feel like we would be fine without that...

so that was our day at the pediatrician. annabel is gaining weight. cheryl is working with a lactation consultant this week to figure out if we can continue to make that happen without the formula. and our baby is vaccinated against all sorts of horrible diseases. just another robison day. :)

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