Tuesday, November 24, 2009

double digit baby...

yesterday our little monkey tipped the scales in the double digits for the first time ever! she weighed in at 10.0 lbs! whoa! we did not have a doctors appointment but since september 9 you may remember that we've kind of been waging a pretty epic battle with that scale...and especially since two weeks ago when she lost a bit of weight. because of all the past issues and concerns, cheryl will be taking annabel by the doctor every now and then for an official weight check. she doesnt need an appointment and they actually let cheryl do all the work, but it sets our minds at ease and its a good way for the doctor to track how she is gaining weight. anyway, 10.0 lbs is very exciting. its like when you're learning how to play the violin and after weeks and weeks of excruciatingly painful practice when all you can manage is the same awful screech over and over again, but then one time you tweak your wrist just a fraction and out comes the sweet melody of those strings that inspired you buy a violin on ebay in the first place...its kind of like that. 10.0 lbs was sweet music to our ears. and we'll keep doing what we need to make sure the song keeps playing. :)

1 comment:

Crissy said...

Way to go, Annabel! And good job Cheryl and Andrew! I just went back and looked at Ian's 2-month apponitment stats and he weighed 9lbs 13 oz, so they're pretty similar. Thank God for healthy babies. :)