here are some highlights from november and december 2010. part of the robison family (lulu, pop, erin & colleen - we missed shannon & kevin) joined us for thanksgiving this year instead of us traveling to texas. annabel continued to grow in both strength and personality and even began feed herself with a spoon. the first two months of winter brought cold & snow for us to play in.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
we're still here...
we know it has been a while, but the rumors of us discontinuing our blog aren't true. we have just been super busy. annabel is growing up so fast and we are trying to enjoy these times while we still can. we have decided to put together some "highlight reels" of the past couple months since we have done such an awful job of keeping you all informed. here is what kept us so busy in september and october...
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
twelfth month slideshow
sorry this slideshow is a little late, but annabel is keeping us busy! between chasing her around the house, and taking her to the park, science center & play dates, we just haven't had the time to put it together. but alas, here it is!
it is hard to believe that she is already one. we are so thankful that we decided to put together a monthly slideshow for her first year so we can see how much she has changed. we hope you have enjoyed watching them as much as we have!
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it is hard to believe that she is already one. we are so thankful that we decided to put together a monthly slideshow for her first year so we can see how much she has changed. we hope you have enjoyed watching them as much as we have!
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happy birthday annabel
we survived our first year as parents! andrew and i can't believe how fast the year went by, and yet at the same time her birth seems like so long ago.
we had a birthday party for annabel the weekend before she turned 1 and had tons of friends and family here to help us celebrate. annabel's grandma & grandpa drove in from new jersey and her aunt cindy, uncle jeff, and cousin kaelyn made the trip from pennsylvania. lulu & pop flew up from texas along with aunt colleen - who made annabel's awesome cake! thank you so much to everyone who made it to the party or sent their well wishes. it was wonderful having so many people around to celebrate annabel's birthday. the party was a lot of fun and we are counting it as an overall success - despite annabel burning her hand on the candle and then refusing to eat the cake. we have learned our lesson for the next time around. :)
on thursday, september 9, andrew and i woke up at 5:29am and peeked in at annabel sleeping and sang (very quietly) happy birthday. after some more sleep and breakfast we took cupcakes to the nurses in the special care unit at the hospital that took such good care of annabel one year ago. we will be forever thankful for those women for all that they did to care for our baby - and us. after visiting with them and looking back on the last year, we headed to the park to have a picnic. we watched as annabel ran around and giggled, and i remembered the days when times like this seemed so far away - watching our healthy, happy little girl playing on her own. later, we had breakfast for dinner and then tried our luck at cake attempt #3. while not as catastrophic as the first two, it was still not the cake eating experience i expected. andrew keeps telling me it's a good thing that she like vegetables better than cake, and i keep telling him that i just don't understand how MY child doesn't like cake! :)
we wanted to share the experience with everyone (especially those who couldn't be here) so in pure "aggies in ohio" fashion - here's a slideshow!
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we had a birthday party for annabel the weekend before she turned 1 and had tons of friends and family here to help us celebrate. annabel's grandma & grandpa drove in from new jersey and her aunt cindy, uncle jeff, and cousin kaelyn made the trip from pennsylvania. lulu & pop flew up from texas along with aunt colleen - who made annabel's awesome cake! thank you so much to everyone who made it to the party or sent their well wishes. it was wonderful having so many people around to celebrate annabel's birthday. the party was a lot of fun and we are counting it as an overall success - despite annabel burning her hand on the candle and then refusing to eat the cake. we have learned our lesson for the next time around. :)
on thursday, september 9, andrew and i woke up at 5:29am and peeked in at annabel sleeping and sang (very quietly) happy birthday. after some more sleep and breakfast we took cupcakes to the nurses in the special care unit at the hospital that took such good care of annabel one year ago. we will be forever thankful for those women for all that they did to care for our baby - and us. after visiting with them and looking back on the last year, we headed to the park to have a picnic. we watched as annabel ran around and giggled, and i remembered the days when times like this seemed so far away - watching our healthy, happy little girl playing on her own. later, we had breakfast for dinner and then tried our luck at cake attempt #3. while not as catastrophic as the first two, it was still not the cake eating experience i expected. andrew keeps telling me it's a good thing that she like vegetables better than cake, and i keep telling him that i just don't understand how MY child doesn't like cake! :)
we wanted to share the experience with everyone (especially those who couldn't be here) so in pure "aggies in ohio" fashion - here's a slideshow!
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Saturday, August 14, 2010
eleventh month slideshow
we had another super busy but super fun month with our little monkey. we had visits from lulu & pop, grandma & grandpa, and even aunt erin. annabel has been busy crawling around the house and getting into everything! she has discovered our spice drawers and they have quickly become her go to form of entertainment. she is getting so big and learning new things every day. this past month she learned the sign for "more" (and uses it constantly), she started saying "baby" when grandma & grandpa bought her a baby doll, and has been cruising along our furniture getting ready for her first steps. enjoy!
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
four new videos of the babe...whoa!
we keep saying that annabel is walking, talking, laughing, eating, signing, etc, etc. even though cheryl and i are totally believable people, we still get requests all the time for proof. i'm not sure how to take that but we decided to give the people what they want. here are a few more videos from the past month or two. enjoy...
video 1: the little giggler...
or click here to view "giggler" video on youtube
video 2: how big is annabel?
or click here to view "so big" video on youtube
video 3: where you going?
or click here to view "walking" video on youtube
video 4: who you talking to?
or click here to view "talking" video on youtube
video 1: the little giggler...
or click here to view "giggler" video on youtube
video 2: how big is annabel?
or click here to view "so big" video on youtube
video 3: where you going?
or click here to view "walking" video on youtube
video 4: who you talking to?
or click here to view "talking" video on youtube
Thursday, July 15, 2010
i saw the sign...
in the words of ace of base...i saw the sign. not really but that is certainly a blast from the past.
watching a baby grow and learn has really turned into one of the most fascinating activities that i have ever been part of. talking with a friend the other day about how babies go from not being able to do virtually anything to being walking, talking functioning people really made me think. so not only is there an immense amount of physical development going on, but at a pace quite possibly faster, annabel's brain is growing and maturing too. some days it is even more obvious than others. this short little video is a testament to that. watching her engage in such a simple gesture was really quite amazing. and our pride in seeing our daughter make such a huge leap is rivaled only by the pride that she shows in knowing that she's the one that actually pulled it off. enjoy the video...
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watching a baby grow and learn has really turned into one of the most fascinating activities that i have ever been part of. talking with a friend the other day about how babies go from not being able to do virtually anything to being walking, talking functioning people really made me think. so not only is there an immense amount of physical development going on, but at a pace quite possibly faster, annabel's brain is growing and maturing too. some days it is even more obvious than others. this short little video is a testament to that. watching her engage in such a simple gesture was really quite amazing. and our pride in seeing our daughter make such a huge leap is rivaled only by the pride that she shows in knowing that she's the one that actually pulled it off. enjoy the video...
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
ten month slideshow
ten months sounds like such a long time and at the same time such a drop in the bucket. this month's slideshow features photos of our monkey posing in her aggie gear; traveling to jersey; kicking it with her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins (terrorizing her cousin kaelyn is probably a better way to put it); cheering at the fourth of july parade; standing; crawling; and lots and lots of smiling! annabel truly is the joy of our life and we love watching her grow up. enjoy...
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010
babies love to give kisses...
i don't know where she learned to kiss like that, but it sure is funny...
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Monday, June 28, 2010
cutest dang aggie. ever.
if you have ever seen a cuter aggie, then you must be crazy! :) for my father's day gift, cheryl found a tiny jersey, tiny football and tiny helmet and took annabel in for a tiny photo shoot. and even though there were about 80 adorable photos, she showed great restraint and only bought these two. i would say that she they both did an awesome job! gig 'em annabel!

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