Sunday, November 1, 2009

just call her giggles...

friday afternoon annabel gave us her first laugh. and i know that she wasn't laughing at me because i wasn't even home. cheryl texted me right away and told me that annabel had laughed her first laugh. later on i tried everything i could to get her to do it again but she just didn't think i was that funny. surprise surprise.

so that was friday. the thursday night before that annabel decided that she wanted to get dressed up for beggar's night. you might ask what the heck is beggar's night? we did too. apparently in columbus when halloween falls on a weekend, they move up trick-or-treating to the thursday night before. and call it beggar's night. really strange. i suppose that the reason that they do this is for safety sake. more people are out in their cars on the weekends and nobody wants a dinosaur to lose its tail or pippy longstocking to lose her braids. so they send out the little ghosts and ghouls on thursday night. they even set times for trick-or-treating: 6-8pm. kind of funny if you ask me. and who is this they? no idea. i assume that its somehow supported and "regulated" by city officials with coordination by the school districts. but what if i wanted to take annabel trick-or-treating on the real halloween? would they throw our little angel in the slammer? i digress. we dressed up annabel on thursday night and had neighborhood kids come by and ask for candy. it was fun but a little bizarre.

other than that annabel is just sort of hanging out and getting big. did we tell you that she is going to be tall and skinny? at her last appointment after the nurse got her measurements she plugged her into the chart and told us where she fell. at 8 lb 8 oz she was in the 25th percentile. that means out of 100 kids her age 75 would be heavier than she is. but at 22 inches she is in the 85th percentile. whoa. tall and skinny. imagine that. no telling where she gets that from...:)

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Happy Halloween Annabel! You look so cute...I especially like the top picture with the great big smile. Lucky Annabel to have the shape of Cheryl..Miss you..