Monday, September 21, 2009

why oh eye...

We are in need of more prayers please. Annabel's eye is not getting better (she has a scratch on her cornea which is not healing because her eyelid keeps flipping inward and her eyelashes are actually scratching her eye). The doctors at Children's Hospital aren't really sure what initially caused the flipping but nothing seems to keep it from doing it so now they are talking surgery. Surgery on a 12 day old....

Please pray for Annabel and her surgery, her doctors, and me and Andrew. It is so hard to watch her go through all of this. We meet with the surgeons tomorrow to discuss everything, I guess we will find out then when they want to do it, I imagine it would be very soon. My poor little angel has had at least one doctors appointment everyday since last Tuesday (two days after we brought her home from the hospital). She doesn't seem to mind all the poking and prodding.... I can't imagine what a happy baby she would be if she wasn't going through all of this.

On top of all this I have been dealing with mastitis (infection caused by a clogged milk duct) and have to go to my doctor on Wednesday. Last night my fever hit a high of 104.4 degrees. Oy. We also have an appointment with the pediatrician tomorrow to check her weight again since she didn't gain anything between her last two appointments. I have not been breastfeeding over the last two days because of my fever (I don't think I could have handled trying to nurse a baby that just falls asleep at the breast). I have been pumping and then bottle feed her the milk, so I imagine her weight is up now. Hopefully I will be able to get back to breastfeeding soon and that will go better.

Anyways - we can use lots of prayers.
Thank you so much.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Andrew and Cheryl,

My heart aches for you guys and poor little Annabel. I am praying for strength for the two of you and strength and healing for Annabel. Hoepfully soon the 3 of you can rest peacefully and breastfeeding will be a breeze.

Lifting you up,

The Wilkes