Saturday, September 26, 2009

so fresh and so clean clean...

today was bath day for annabel...and boy was she stinky! ha. not really. she kind of smelled like a baby. not that we have a whole lot of experience with that and know what a baby really smells like but i guess she smelled like what i would expect a baby to smell like (those are the kind of sentences you can come to expect until we get some more sleep...). the funniest part was probably her hair. as you can tell from the photos and videos she was certainly blessed with a full head of dark brown hair. and now its soft :) i guess that's what johnson & johnson baby shampoo is supposed to do. its nice. so you're probably wondering how our sweet, quiet, sleepy angel liked her first bath. ummm...errr...she did not. it was pretty amazing to experience what she can do with those lungs that she's got when she wants the world to know that she's not happy. we've got some video as proof. for now though you will just have to imagine our little angelic annabel screaming bloody murder as we gently bathed and massaged her tiny body. but she is squeaky clean now. and it was kind of fun. all in all i would call it a success. :)

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