Saturday, September 19, 2009

precious and fleeting moments...

so today we left the house at 1030am for annabel's follow-up appointment with her pediatrician, dr. g and we returned at 430pm after a trip to nationwide children's hospital and a visit with dr. l, an opthamologist. annabel weighed in at 7 lb 2 oz which is the same as she weighed at her appointment this past tuesday. that is not bad but it would have been better if she had gained some weight. (i don't think that she'll have the same wishes 16 years from now...) at the end of the appointment though, dr. g checked her eye again and encouraged us to meet with an eye doctor to get it looked at since it was still dark and producing some "gunk" (thats the technical term...). after a quick call from dr. g, we were on our way to the hospital to meet with dr. l. two hours of eye drops, bright lights, and scary tiny metal eyelid holder thingies (another technical term) later, we left with a diagnosis of a scratched cornea, prescription for drugs and yet another scheduled follow up appointment. oy vey. we definitely recommend having a non-NICU baby if you can figure that out.

we know that figuring this stuff out early is better so we can get things fixed, but long days like this with a 9-day old baby and severe sleep deprivation is certainly not either of our idea of a fun time. we are hopeful that annabel's eye problems will go away and her eating issues will quickly become a thing of the past. one of our friends told us the other day though that the nurse's comments in the hospital of "this too shall pass" (sept 11 post) will very soon sound more like a warning rather than a blessing. "it truly does go by fast, so pray not only for strength and rest, but pray that you might truly enjoy these moments for what they are: precious and fleeting moments at the beginning of a wonderful new life." (thanks amanda...)

and as you can see from the photos, she is still just as cute as ever...

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