Friday, September 25, 2009

is she fixed already?

on the seventh day, we rested...and on the eighth we went back to the doctor. :) but seriously though, today we took annabel back to the eye doctor after our day off to check out how the healing was going and get our next set of instructions. it seems like so long ago that we were pacing the halls and worrying about whether this mystery eye problem would make our baby blind in her left eye. well, today we got the closest that we have yet to a clean bill of eye health (and the heavens rejoice along with us...:)). the scratch on her cornea is virtually gone and she has just a teensey bit of swelling and haziness associated with the recovery from the trauma her poor little eye had to endure for two long weeks. and the eyelid has not flipped in since monday. to the layman, her eyes look pretty much identical for the first time ever. and all without surgery! we're not 100 percent healed yet though so we will continue to monitor her eye closely and have a follow up appointment for next wednesday. but we are close. that was doctor appointment numero uno.

doctor appointment numero dos was pretty good too. this was our follow up weight check at the pediatrician. dr. g was out so we got to see one of the other docs in the practice. its a neat system that they all work so closely together and there are no turf battles (at least that we know of yet). dr. c was great and it was nice to get a slightly different perspective. oh right - what did she weigh? she gained two whole ounces! that would have seemed like nothing to me just a few weeks ago but it was two pretty huge ounces. first of all that gets us back up to her birthweight of 7 lb 4 oz (which is a pretty big deal for babies). secondly we went two visits with no gain and it was really stressing everyone out (like the whole eye surgery and cheryl's raging infection wasnt enough...) so this was a big deal that she has gained weight. we still have some kinks to work out in the whole feeding thing but this kind of gives us some flexibility to try new systems and not be totally controlled by the doctor and her oh-so-mighty scale (but we still think that dr. g is great so we value all of her advice...).

all in all, this is a pretty big day for the robison clan. we had two good doctor appointments, i offically went back to work (even if just for a half day), cheryl survived alone with the baby (not really alone because grandma is still here but psychologically "alone" for the day), and we all got a good nap. we knew that this would be tough when we started but had no idea what "tough" really meant. the past 16 days have been some of the hardest for cheryl and me mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. its nice to see a little light at the end of the tunnel. :)

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