Wednesday, October 28, 2009

left or right?

so today cheryl mentioned that she thinks that annabel seems to move her left arm around more than her right arm. not that she really has much control over her movements...she's still pretty spastic when she flails, rocks and kicks. but watching her it does seem like her left arm is the more active arm. so that got us to wondering whether this was a sign that she would be a southpaw. both of us are right handed, both our parents are right handed, all our sisters are right handed, i genuinely cannot think of anyone that i know that is not right handed. in fact, only about ten percent of the world's population is left handed. cheryl reminded me though that for many years children that showed left handed tendencies use their right hand more. some of you may have been encouraged in such a way. anyway, it would be pretty strange to have a left handed daughter. but who knows. it might be pretty cool. i looked it up online and there's some information but nothing that will help us know which she will be yet.

Your baby's preference for her right or left hand may start to appear as early as 6 to 9 months of age. Even so, you won't be able to determine true right- or left-handedness until your child is 2 or 3 years old, when she'll begin to favor the same hand consistently. And some children may be ambidextrous (using both hands equally) until they're 5 or 6, when they finally make a choice.

so what do you think? will annabel be a righty or a lefty?


Veronica said...

Billy and Allie are both left handed. Allie was usually sucking her left thumb in our (almost weekly) ultrasounds. It will be interesting to see which hand she favors later on.

Unknown said...

Hey! I happen to be left handed. I can teach her how to survive in a right handed world.

Betty said...

I agree that many children do not showing a true preference for right or left hand until age 5-6. Many of the kids in my kindergarten do still swtich hands based on the activity (using crayons lefty but pencils righty etc). Oddly, all children that I can recall cut righty even though the scisssors are supposed to be "universal". Right or left handed, she's one cute baby! :-)