so you know when people say, "today was a good day" and you're like, "what made it such a good day", and they say "how much time do you have?" okay, so maybe you don't have conversations like that all the time but just pretend for my sake :) "today was a good day." "and what made it such a good day?"
okay. so we started the day with a solid eight hours of sleep last night. we're not too sure if annabel sleeping so much at night will last forever but we sure are enjoying it while it lasts. after we woke up we left for our little one's one-month pediatrician well-visit. here's a little glimpse into how that went:
- started with a short 4-minute wait in the waiting room
- next we stripped her down to her skivvies and stuck her on the scale: in two weeks she packed on a solid 20 ounces; she went from 7 lb 4 oz to 8 lb 8 oz. whoa!
- next in came the doctor. doctor g: well, how you doing? us: good. doctor g: how's she sleeping? us: good. 6-8 hours at night. doctor g: wow! that's awesome! how's she eating? us: good. nursing during the day and bottle at night. doctor g: again, that's awesome. what else is she doing? us: she knows how to roll from front to back now. doctor g: wow. and again with the awesome! well, she looks great. her weight is right on. she seems very advanced for a one-month old. and you guys look great. you got any questions? us: nope. doctor g: great! see you in a month.
- and we left!
so it was a really good visit. doctor g is happy, we are happy, and annabel is happy. that would be considered a win-win-win...
after the pediatrician appointment we went back home and guess what annabel did...she took a two-hour nap which meant that cheryl got to take a two-hour nap. wow. way to go annabel. that's how you make your mommy happy. meanwhile i went back to work and had a really good visit with my boss and our bishop. but then we had another eye doctor visit. these have gradually been getting better but there's always still a bit of worry. but here's a glimpse at that appointment:
- cheryl and annabel got there early and i met them as soon as my meeting was finished.
- a new resident and her trainee came in (trainee was wearing a bow tie. he was funny.). the resident got her eye scope and light and checked out annabel's eye. (side note - we left her in the carrier during the exam and it was phenomenally easier. imagine that on our tenth visit we finally figured out a way to make it easier. doy.) after her exam she announced that she thought her eye looked good.
- then doctor g came in for his turn to shine bright lights and look through his little scope (this was the same doctor who originally suggested the pressure patch so we like him). so he looked and announced that he also thought it looked good. there is still some haziness on her cornea but he doesn't think that the drops we've been using will do anymore to help and the haze is not blocking her pupil. he thinks that we can leave it alone for a while and come back later when he can better evaluate her vision.
- well, "come back later" meant three months! what? can you believe it? no drops, no ointments and no doctors for three months?!? now that is good news!
so that was pretty awesome too. after making our doctor visits a part of our regular daily and/or weekly routine, we are suddenly faced with a whole month with no visits. what are we going to do with ourselves? i think that's a problem we can find a solution for.
so after all these good doctor visits, we topped the night off with a bath for the babe. it was still a loud experience but it was easily the best bathtime we've had so far. and we have a squeaky clean and good smelling baby to prove it. at least for an hour or so...
so there you have it, there it is. that was our day. and now you know what makes a good day for a couple of brand new parents...