over the past 2-3 weeks we have been busy getting ready all the "stuff" that nugget will need when she gets here (or maybe more appropriately all the "stuff" that we think we will need when nugget gets here). super stollers, blinds and curtains, diapers, blankets, cribs and more. left to be assembled are the car seat, bassinet, pack n play, swing and probably a million more things.
oy vey...
but it has been tons of fun. cheryl and i usually spend at least 30 minutes a day sitting in the nursery talking about all sorts of stuff. projects we've completed, projects to finish, things we want to do, things we don't want to do, our own childhood memories, what we're excited for, what we're terrified of, baby names, and so on and so on...
i get a quote of the day in my email and today's fits us very well. "we change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become. - david hawkins" i know that nugget is still a few weeks away from being "here" but cheryl and i have already become parents and i believe that will change the world...